Tuesday, June 8, 2010


On May 1, Heritage Christian School (Hudsonville) celebrated their 25th anniversary.  As a member of the 1st graduating class, David was asked to speak at the celebration.  So on April 30, we took the kids out of school and headed to Michigan!  We had a good time seeing old friends and were thrilled to spend the weekend with family there.  On the way home we stopped and surprised Grandma (Mom) Vermeer while she worked in her garden.  The look on her face was priceless.... wish we had a picture!


Joe, Ben, Lena, Brooke & Conner are headed to Heritage for pony rides, games and cotton candy! 

 After the party at Heritage the kids played "dog" on Grandpa & Grandma's deck.
(Lena, Joe, Brooke, Levi & Conner)

 Brook & Lena making up a secret code.

 This was the first time we got to see and hold baby Gwen!

Nicole:  "See?! This is how you do it!"

 And little Tressa, just taking it all in.

 ...and Brothers

...talking around the (old) kitchen table.

"Huuuuuuuggggs to Joey." 

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