Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Visit from Grandpa & Grandma Overway

Grandpa and Grandma Overway came to visit us in mid-July. On Thursday, we drove through a down-pour to meet them at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. We weren't sure that it was ideal zoo weather, but the storm passed just as we were arriving and we enjoyed a beautiful day together exploring the zoo.

One of the kids gave Ben their "zoo cup" after lunch. Judging from the smile, I'd say that was a good move!

The big cat house is our favorite; we are especially fascinated by the tigers. This picture was taken in between roars. She didn't like it when we made eye-contact.

It's been a long day, the kids are getting tired, so I decide it's time to take pictures! Yea, Mom!

Grandpa caught the first and only fish of the day (a bass) on his first cast!

While Grandpa, Dad and Joseph were fishing, we took Elena and Benjamin to the play area.


Playing "golf" with Grandma.

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