A week after school let out we took a family trip to the Black Hills/Badlands. Our explorations included Bear Country, Reptile Gardens, Custer State Park, Mt. Rushmore, some "off-the-beaten-trails", and a really good pizzeria! We thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of that area and hope we're able to make another visit.

Entering the Badlands
Gentle giant at Reptile Gardens.
A walk through the woods in Custer State Park.
After seeing so many "buffaflo" in Custer State Park, Benjamin was determined to feed this one!
Visiting the Badlands one last time on our way home.
At the end of June most of the Vermeer family gathered at the lodge at Newton Hills State Park in South Dakota for a few days. It was wonderful to spend time together talking and watching the kids play.
Supper-time at the "kids table". :-)
The guys had a lot of fun playing fooseball.
Stinkers... Sharing!
This picture was taken right before we left for home.
Tired, but still having fun.... right?!?!
Daddy's little helper fell asleep.
Pool time - this year even Ben can get in on the fun!
Church Picnic 2010
Games for the kids......
..... and the adults!
Grandma Overway and Aunt Jenn drove out with Brooke, Conner and Tressa this month.
We had so much fun we forgot to take pictures! Well, there were a few...
Riding the horses in Doon's City park.
Friends or cousins? Both!
August began with a trip to the Chicago area. After spending the weekend at Grandpa and Grandma Vermeer's house, we headed to Michigan for a few days with the Overways. Then back to Illinois/Indiana on Thursday for a trip into the city and more visiting.
Muskegon State Park
Elena and Gwen.
Look! I can swim too!
Downtown Chicago
Playing in the splash fountain in Millenium Park.
We took the train into Chicago. A new experience for the kids!
Caleb and Benjamin taking a ride to the moon.
Ben and Nicole - busy building sandcastles.
"Are you sure we can touch that?"
Uh-oh! That looks like trouble!
We're all here!!!
We managed to get all the kids on a picture again!