Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Tree

We put up a Christmas tree for the fist time this year. Dave & I went out to a nearby tree farm, chose & cut it and brought it home to surprise the kids. We all had fun picking out ornaments and decorating it.

Reading 'Bookas' with Ben

November miscellaneous

The big excitement in November was having Uncle Daniel, Aunt MaryJo and cousins Samantha and Cameron stay with us for a week. We had such a good time playing and visiting that we seem to have forgotten to take any pictures! This is the only one on my camera.

"Hoping" (helping) Daddy

Dad's lap is the best place for a little girl to snuggle.

I drove the boys in Joseph's class for a recent class trip. One of the boys took this picture of Joseph.

No, this picture is not posed. Ben was sitting on the potty (sans clothing), and decided to get comfortable.

More October pix

October saw the end of Soccer season for Joseph. This was his first year of play and he really enjoyed it. He had his final tournament about an hour away, so the kids and I packed up chairs, blankets, and hot chocolate and spent much of the day cheering on the team. That's him in the red shirt, running to kick the ball.

And what would Fall be without leaf-piles to jump in?!?! Joseph was a huge help with the raking this year.

Here are some semi-formal pictures of the kids taken by our house.

Christmas Pictures in October

Most of you have seen our Christmas card by now. But for those who haven't, here's our family picture. Mom Overway usually gets roped into taking it for us when they visit us during Teacher's Convention, and this year was no different. Thanks, Mom!

Happy Birthday, Benjamin!

Ben turned 2 in October! Of course, he tells everyone that he's 3 ("chree"), but that's another story...

Ben & his "Guck keek" (duck cake).

I'm not sure how many times we relit the candles on the cake for him. He kept asking, "'Gin!?! 'Gin!?!" (again, again)

Joe & Lena, helping Ben celebrate.


Well, the rest of September came and went without any of you hearing from us. We kept busy getting into the swing of school every day, growing up and growing older.

Grandma Vermeer's visit in early September was spent playing games, taking walks, playing ball outside and cooling off in the pool afterwards. The kids enjoyed it... and I think Grandma did too! :-)

Summer Sunday picture of the kids. Joe is 9 1/2; Lena is 6 1/2 and Ben is almost 2.

Dave & the kids worked hard to decorate a cake for Mom's birthday! Their hard work tasted great!

Peek... Peek...... Boo!